domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2012

Underneath your nails, there’re dirty little pieces of your own dead skin.
It Itches. I know.
It itches so bad that sometimes feels like your skin is burning.
Some people are allergic to oxygen.
Oxygen may be lethal.
Oxygen is venomous.
It’s a drug. We’re all addicted to it.
Maybe we all should quit it.
Some people are tables all aligned in fancy restaurant rooms.
But they wished they’re chairs placed in a balcony of a very quiet house somewhere so far away.
Some people dream too much. So much that they can´t carry the load of their own dreams.
Some people have heart attacks while sleeping.
Their lazy hearts decide to stop right in the moment when they’re working more slowly.
There’s no God anymore, I tell you.Maybe he existed one day.
Maybe he got really tired of this planet, and eventually, he just disconnected himself from it.
Maybe he died. And no one replaced him.
It’s not easy to find a good God these days.
We created God and maybe, along the way, we killed him.
I don’t know how to pray anymore.
But If I did, I would pray for the destruction of this planet.
I would pray for a collision with a meteor as shown in many apocalyptic movies.
For an egotist, I think this is the most altruist idea I’ve ever had.
Sometimes I wish I could burn all the law and etiquette books ever written.
And all the computers. All the files. All the conventions. And all the buildings.
I wish I could burn them all in a gigantic fire.
I mean, I’m not crazy; I just too tired of this stupid world we’re live in.
Your skin is covered of scars.
Some wounds never heal.
Even though you’ve been told that “time heals everything”.
Time is a liar. Time is a hypocrite.
And So Am I. and so are you and the rest of people.
I wish I had a gun pointed to my head.
People only reason with a gun pointed to their heads.
It’s only on the imminence of the death that people actually know for sure what they want.
“I reason with my cigarette”
So I look at the sky wondering…waiting for an answer.
A sign…
Damn, I really wish I know how to pray!
I had a dream it was 5 am.
“You are the alpha and the omega”…
Most of the people are afraid to be alone.
Maybe they never learned how to be alone.
It’s not bad, I tell you.
Some people feel so old, and they’re so young.
Some people feel so young, and yet they’re so old.
“I’m too young to feel this old”
“Wonder why it's getting cold at night. I must be getting old”
And so the story goes on.
No happy endings at the final chapter.
The lonely characters get even lonelier.
The miserable ones stay just as miserable.
The good ones are also the villains.
All the characters die. Not just the bad ones.
They’re all bad at some point.
There are no good lines. No funny jokes.
There’s no script.
No one has any idea how to fix things.
I don’t care about it.
It doesn’t move me.
I don’t know what really moves me anymore.
Give me back the hospital bed.
Give me another shot. Put me to sleep.
Give me the blue light of the anesthetic liquor.
Numb me!
“I wanna be sedated”
Make me cry. Make me feel something. I want to react.

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