segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010

Os dias passam e apenas um pensamento permanece incessante na minha cabeça.
É urgente. Essencial. Partir. Agora. Para longe. Para sempre talvez.

É um pensamento desesperado já.

E eu não o posso ouvir.

Não agora.

quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

She would go forward. And she would cry. And the tears would dry.
She would give up. And she wouldn’t care about anything.
Couldn’t take it anymore, she would say.
The sun would rise. And it would set.
And she would fall asleep.
And she would dream.
And she would wake up.
She would wish to get herself lost…
It would be better if she could just disappear, she would scream into the emptiness.
She would find that there wouldn’t be nothing left for her there anymore…even though she would try to convince herself there would still be hope somewhere…
She would lose her enthusiasm…her will to carry on…
She would get bored all the time…of everyone…and in every place that she would go to…
She would feel no joy…no sadness…no anger…no excitement…she would feel nothing.

She would crumble into the abyss.

The end.