There’s no better word for chaos. It’s just chaos.
We can call it mess, confusion…madness…
But it is what it is…simply chaos.
There’s no better way to get out than to leave …to slam the door in indifference…
There’s no better day to die than today…
There’s no better day to live than tomorrow…
There’s no better way to lose yourself than to open your eyes and turn your back on the abyss…
There are corners of this life that you can never reach…like you’re only living on the surface of life…you can see where you’ve been but not where you’re going…you can’t be at two places at once…you can’t take two paths at the same time…so you’re doomed to be constantly leaving pieces of yourself behind and to accept that’s the life…
Life… time …the god…the devil…the sun…the moon…whatever…this energy that’s greater than us…this power that outlive works its ways…we can’t slow it down…or make it go faster…we can’t push it to go back or forth because it has its own mysterious ways…and we just acknowledge it and go on with it…
Day by day we’re closer to our end…that’s a truth that no one wants to admit even though everybody knows it…as if denying it will make it less real…
And day by day we postpone that end…and it doesn’t matter how old we are…every day lived in this world is a bonus…or just a misfortune…
Don’t let them fool you…life ain’t easy…. To live is to be in a constant battlefield and it doesn’t get any better with your experience or wisdom, because the more you know, the more being alive consumes you... until you reach the point of insanity…until you’ll need medication to get through the days…pills to help you sleep…pills to help calm down your nerves…alcohol to to make you be social and funny…
Drugs to keep you from dying and to make you forget you’re indeed dying…